Thursday, December 20, 2007

holy moly, i'm a business owner!

yep, that's right, uh-huh, i own my own business! I'm so excited I can't hardly stand it. I'm now the proud owner of Copy Central, the local copy shop! It comes with all the equipment and an existing customer base. I'll be publishing the local free newsletter (1500 copies go out a month), mail forwarding, mailbox rentals, copies, laminating, spiral binding, business cards, faxing, you name it. This is the second time I've had the opportunity to take over a copy shop, I think it's a sign :O) I go in tomorrow to start the move...from one location to the location right next door, and come the first of January, I'll be in business!

I wish it were only that simple...the scrapbook store I work for (Paper House) is also moving, into the same building (we'll be sharing), so next week, after Christmas, we'll be moving the store. We have phone lines to straighten out, organizing the merchandise, getting everything to fit into this space, and to top it off, the store owner Karen is 8½ months pregnant! This should be veddy veddy interesting, lol! We're excited about the move...the space we're moving into is actually a HOUSE! The Paper House started out in a little house, moved to a mini-mall retail space, and now we're moving back into a house. It's perfect.

On a personal note, this has severely cramped my scrapbooking time! I got my Christmas cards made and sent, but I still have 4 calendars to make, 3 gift projects to complete, 4 hats to crochet, my dishes need done, my floors need vacuumed, but doggone it, I'm a business owner!

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