Monday, October 1, 2007

can i get a woot-woot?

i made the DT over on tallyscrapper and am THROUGH THE ROOF and OVER THE MOON!

Scrapbooking Supplies

the three layouts i submitted are now my top three layouts in TPs (tally points)...and the comments made me almost cry! i'm such a girl today-don't be nice to me, it might tip me over the edge and i'll be blubbering like a baby.

on another note, spent sunday with mom & dad while DH braved the rain and cut's been BUSY painting! they are amazing, and she gave me TWO of them at no charge. mom rocks :O) here are some more she's made:

check our mom & dad's ebay listings here:
she'll have some new halloween banners posted soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making the DT! How exciting for you! I love your banners too! What talent!


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