and here we are after a long day of croppin'

that's me and my chins on the right...
i won a ctmh paper pack for finding the most words in the phrase 'rubber stamping' and i won a contest for best girlie layout with this one. my prize was layout blueprints by amy elkins. kelly went and had it autographed for me and the last thing i said to her was "don't have her put chichi!" so what does the autograph say? "chichi, scrap on! amy elkins". yeah, that kelly's a riot.
finally got my class schedule sorted out for this month..i'm such a slacker! i've been getting the calendar done around the 15th of the month. it's a lot of freakin work putting kits together! and taking pictures. and writing instructions. good grief. LOVE how the candy corn album turned out! i had seen a pyramid album online, but no pattern, so i came up with my own :O) lots of sign ups for that one--and the pocket calendar class tomorrow is almost full (1 spot left). looks like i might be back down to one day a week starting next week, which means i need to clear a path to my scraproom at home so i can get some scrappin' done there. NOT looking forward to that!
been crocheting some more hats--once lex wore hers to school everyone wanted one! made a chocolate brown one for demi (pictured above, far right in the trio of powder puff girls.) and whit got a pink one. she's pictured above in the photo with only two girls..she's the blondie on the right. i also made one in oregon duck colors, a pink one with a mohawk, and a blue one with a flower on the side. i need to go yarn shopping for more colors. yarn shopping. i just felt some more hairs turn grey.
something funny last night--becca calls me and asks if she can spend the weekend. i'm like, okay, well, let me talk to your mom. so kelly gets on the phone and tells me she told becca "i'll be home all weekend, what do you want to do?" and becca says "spend the weekend with chichi!". poor kelly, it would be sad if it weren't so darn funny!
later taters!